

一. 應徵職級:專任或專案 助理教授/副教授/教授
二. 應徵資格:113年2月1日起聘。申請者應於民國113年2月1日以前取得博士學位與證書
三. 專長領域:總體經濟、國際金融、個體經濟或其他經濟學相關領域。
四. 能以英文講授課程者為優先考慮(至少支援一門專業課程)。
五. 申請人應檢具資料

  1. 履歷表一份與應徵信函
  2. 正式博士班成績單 (申請副教授者可以免附)
  3. 博士證書 (預計及時畢業但尚未取得畢業證書者,請檢附臨時學位證明或指導教授出具之預計畢業之證明)
  4. 著作論文一覽表
  5. 研究論文備審 (博士論文或具代表性著作一或數篇)
  6. 三封推薦信 (請由推薦者直接寄至黃秘書admdanny@ccu.edu.tw)
  7. 教學評鑑 (若有,請附上)

六. 郵寄資料:申請資料請以電子檔寄至黃秘書admdanny@ccu.edu.tw。
七. 經本系錄取之申請者,若是國外學位文憑,則必須於錄取後一星期內繳交經外館認證之第五項3號文件。
八. 申請截止日期:民國112年9月15日
九. 聯絡方式:黃秘書 05-2720411轉24101、admdanny@ccu.edu.tw、Website: http://econ.ccu.edu.tw。621301嘉義縣民雄鄉大學路一段168號國立中正大學經濟學系辦公室。


National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan

Faculty positions opening

The Department of Economics at National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan invites qualified applicants to apply for positions of assistant, associate or full professorships, starting on February 1, 2024. Promising Ph.D. candidates must earn the degree before February 1, 2024 to be formally employed.

Macroeconomics, international finance and other areas of specialization in economics will be considered. English fluency and literacy in Chinese are required.

The complete application package must include: (1) cover letter and research statement, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) official Ph.D. transcript (if apply for an assistant professorship), (4) job market papers and/or research papers, (5) three recommendation letters (sent separately by recommenders), (6) teaching evaluation (if you have).

The applicant who earns his/her degree abroad needs to provide an authenticated doctoral diploma by Ministry of Foreign Affairs' overseas embassies within one week after getting hired by Department recruitment committee.

Applicants should send a soft copy of the complete application package to Professor Hung-pin Lai, Email: ecdhpl@ccu.edu.tw

If you would like to send a hard copy of the complete application package instead of a soft one, please do so by mailing it to Hung-pin Lai, Department of Economics, National Chung Cheng University, No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Minhsiung, Chiayi 621301, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Application deadline: September 15, 2023

